Project ((completed))
Collecting & Exhibiting

Development of an Ontology for Academic Disciplines

Digital scientific information holdings are increasingly available in electronic information systems, which enable networked access to scientific knowledge, primarily via the internet. In this context, the project of constructing an ontology of the academic disciplines was a reaction to the dynamic differentiation of academic disciplines, institutions and programmes of study.

The project sought to develop a system of concepts that illustrates points of connection and association where the different disciplines encounter and engage with each other in their epistemic, social and communicative structures.

Project Director: Dr. Cornelia Weber

Research Associates: Dipl.-Phil. Documentalist Elena Semenova, Documentalist Karlheinz Hofmann, M.A., Dipl.-Soz. tech. Michael Hahne

Student Assistants: Lena Bätz, Felix Laubscher

Freelance Associates: Martin Stricker

Time frame: July 2007 to June 2008 
