Explore with us the beautiful Urban Science Garden at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin!
The TA T takes part in the Berlin Museums-Sommer 2016: Four Saturdays in July are reserved for exploration tours on the Campus Nord. Discover with Dr. Beate Witzel (Natural History Collection, Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin) and Marcus Jahn (Botany & Arboretum, Humboldt-Universität) the flora and fauna in the park environment between Friedrichstraße and Charité. We look out for animals and plants that find their habitat in the city-centred ›academic village‹. What or who brought them to the area? How do they adapt to the urban environment? Which role do they play in teaching and research at the Humboldt-Universität?
Campus tours
Every Saturday, July 2 – 23, 2016, 10 a.m., duration approx. 90 minutes
Tours in German language!
Reservation not mandatory but highly recommended: tat.hzk@hu-berlin.de
Meeting place: Tieranatomisches Theater, visitor entrance
The guided tours are a part of the project ›Field Guide to the Urban Science Garden‹ (Eds. Felix Sattler and Sarah Katharina Becker). Researchers from botany, zoology, geology, urban ecology, architecture and art history contribute to a multi-layered portrait of the Campus Nord. The campus’ biodiversity corresponds to the variety of objects found in the scientific collections at the Humboldt-Universität. We will take a close look into both and reveal multiple links and relationships.
Programme: See above (in German).