Coop Design Research
Coop Design Research
Promoción de jóvenes investigadoras e investigadores

Masterstudiengang »Coop Design Research«

The Interdisciplinary Laboratory is cooperating with Anhalt University of Applied Sciences and Bauhaus Dessau Foundation in conducting the one-year MSc. program on Design Research at Gropius´ Bauhaus in Dessau.
It is conceived as a preparatory step towards a doctoral study. It strives to integrate design and research, which are often perceived as separate disciplines.

The core of the MSc. Programme, communicated using different teaching methods with the participation of the three aforementioned partner institutions, relies on three thematic building blocks: Design as research – analysis of the synthesising practices; design as projection – anticipation and intervention strategies; design in the world – impact and application. The participants gain sound scientific knowledge and competencies on the basis of tasks that are both practice-orientated and forward-looking. For further information, please have a look at