Steckspiel, Foto: Manfred Zoller
Steckspiel, Foto: Manfred Zoller
Steckspiel, Foto: Manfred Zoller
Exhibition (completed)
Tieranatomisches Theater

06.04.2016 - 14:00 h to
13.08.2016 - 18:00 h
Tieranatomisches Theater der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Philippstr. 12/13, Haus 3, 10115 Berlin
How to illustrate the jump of a frog? What are the functional principles behind the fish mouth’s sucking and snatching mechanism? Art students at the Kunsthochschule Weißensee have been exploring these questions in anatomy lessons.
The exhibition ANATOMIE GESTALTEN! presents models from the class of Prof. Dr. Manfred Zoller. The models are the result of a learning process. As spatial excersises, they have yielded unexpected sculptural as well as illustrative qualities.

These illustrative models transport many ways of acquiring knowledge. Natural scientific knowledge in anatomy and physiology is paired with design knowledge about materials and forms. It is this link that enables an individual artistic expression.