After her Bachelor's degree in Communication Science and History of Art at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University in Greifswald, Franziska Kunze gained a Master's degree in Art and Visual History at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2011. Since 2013 she works as a research associate at the Cluster of Excellence and is an associated member of the research group Das Technische Bild, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Currently she is working on a Ph.D. thesis concerning photographs that challenge their alleged transparency and, moreover, are characterised by a distinctive opacity. By exposing their material conditions, these works point to themselves and, consequently, create an image of themselves.
In addition to this approach, the project Attention & Form examines the way recipients look at these opaque photographs and how they perceive them. An experiment conducted with the help of psychologists based on interviews and eye-tracking technology might shed some light on these questions.