Henrike Rabe is a research associate on the project »Virtual and Real Architecture of Knowledge«. Previously, she was Senior Architect at Kazuhiro Kojima+Kazuko Akamatsu/CAt in Tokyo, where she supervised the planning of universities, schools, media centres and museums in Asia, Central Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Henrike Rabe was responsible for three competition entries in Japan and for a realised exhibition pavilion at the Yokohama Triennale 2011. She worked as an architect at Brisac Gonzalez Architects in London and at LIN in Berlin. In Professor Finn Geipel’s Laboratory for Integrative Architecture (LIA), Technische Universität zu Berlin, Henrike Rabe was a student assistant for research on temporary architecture.
Since 2010 Henrike Rabe has published articles and interviews in the »Bauwelt« and other architecture magazines.
She will analyse the complex knowledge structure of the Excellence Cluster and transfer it into an adaptable architecture of knowledge. The foci are the scientific investigation of the disciplinary operation and organisation structures of the Excellence Cluster and the parallel planning and Gestaltung of the future main location. Through the openness and adaptability of an experimental laboratory situation, Henrike Rabe wants to create a work environment that promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, communication and various work situations and methods.