
Linda Báez-Rubí

Interdisciplinary Laboratory

Since 2013, Linda Báez-Rubí has held a research professorship at the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas (IIE) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), teaching in the Faculty of Philosophy there. She was appointed editor-in-chief of the journal Anales del IIE in 2012. Linda Báez-Rubís' research and teaching interests centre around the cultural exchange between Latin America and Europe between the 15th and 18th centuries and Aby Warburg’s theories regarding the image and iconography. 

She is currently a scientific researcher at the Warburg Institute, University of London, working on the project entitled  »Image Vehicles: Aby Warburg’s Legacy and the Future of Iconology«.

Monographs, editorial board memberships and essays

  • Aby Warburg, Mnemosine. Atlas de imágenes: Un viaje a las fuentes, Introduction, commentary and notes by Linda Báez, 2 vols. Ciudad de México, IIE-UNAM: 2012.
  • Mnemosyne novohispánica. Retórica e imagen en el siglo XVI. Ciudad de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas-UNAM: 2005.
  • Die Rezeption der Lehre des Ramon Llull in der Rhetorica Christiana (Perugia, 1579) des Franziskaners Fray Diego de Valadés. Frankfurt a.M.: 2004.
  • Báez-Rubí, Linda/Carreón, Emilie (Eds.): Los estatutos de la imagen: creación-manifestación-percepción. XXXVI Coloquio Internacional de Historia del Arte. Ciudad de México, IIE-UNAM: 2014.
  • Báez-Rubí, Linda/Carreón, Emilie/Dorotinsky, Deborah (Eds.): The itineraries of the image: practices, uses and functions. Ciudad de México, IIE-UNAM/Graduiertenkolleg Bild-Körper-Medium: 2010.