Marc-Oliver Casper

Mark-Oliver Casper

Interdisciplinary Laboratory
Mark-Oliver Casper is a research assistant at the »Bild Wissen Gestaltung« excellence cluster at Humboldt University in Berlin. His main research area is the philosophy of mind with a special focus on the theories of »situated cognition« (enacted, exented, embodied, embedded mind). He specialized in the question of what »high-level cognition« is and how it comes about. The dissertation with the title »Social Enactivism. On Situating High-Level Cognitive States and Processes« was successfully defended in October 2017 at the Institute for Philosophy II of the Ruhr-University Bochum. His most recent project analyzes how situated cognition researchers can design promising experimental settings and quantify relevant cognitive parameters for supporting the general line of reasoning of the enacted mind thesis and similar approaches.