The Doctoral Program »Image Knowledge Gestaltung« answers the challenge of consolidating the pursuit of a doctoral degree in a primary discipline with conducting collaborative research in an interdisciplinary working group. The program aims to enable doctoral candidates to successfully carry out outstanding work within this framework.
Within the program duration of 36 months, participating doctoral candidates obtain the professional qualifications for a career in their primary discipline in addition to gaining specific interdisciplinary skills. The qualification program consist of four modules in which students must obtain a total of 180 Credit Points (1 CP = 30 hrs) during their candidacy. Instead of a uniform curriculum, the program’s content is tailored to suit the candidate’s individual competence areas, thus adapting to a varying range of research subjects and interdisciplinary backgrounds. Each module corresponds to a qualification area, where performance and activity requirements to complete modules are assigned to program participants individually.
The program’s doctoral supervision concept entails a team of at least two experts from different disciplines per student. The progress of each project is thus accompanied by the supervision of experts in each candidate’s primary discipline, in addition to benefiting from a variety of methods and perspectives from other disciplines.
As a member of the Humboldt Graduate School (HGS), the program’s quality standards are under the supervision and evaluation of the Humboldt University’s umbrella organization for graduate students, which additionally offers a wide range of services and soft skill training, as well as mentoring programs.
The complete doctoral program regulations are available for download here: Structured Doctoral Program »Image Knowledge Gestaltung«.