As part of the project »Genesis and Genealogy« Jonathan Ferracci analyses the motion of cells in crustacean embryos in order to determine relevant parameters in the apparition of order and the development of form in the early embryotic stages, using data collected by Gerhard Scholtz ́s group. In cooperation with art historians and designers in the project, he is working on the classification of art objects, using a biophysicist’s perspective to determine »genealogical« development .
Jonathan Ferracci studied fundamental physics, specialising in »The interface between physics and biology« at the University of Paris-Sud 11 and gained his Master’s degree in 2009. At the same time he was an intern working on particle physics (Majorana neutrino), and place cells in the hippocampus of rats and micro-swimmers. He completed a Ph.D. at Tohoku University on the motion of freshwater ciliates at the water-air interface between 2010 and 2013 before joining the Excellence Cluster with Richard Weinkamer at the Max PlanckInstitute (Golm).