Yannis Hadjinicolaou majored in History of Art, Indian History of Art, and Modern History in Berlin and Amsterdam. In 2010 he obtained his master's degree with a thesis on »Arent de Gelders Porträts und das Problem ihrer formalen Diversität« (»The Portraits of Arent de Gelders and the Problem of their Formal Diversity«). In connection with the project »Picture Act« he worked on a dissertation entitled »Denkende Körper/Formende Hände. Handeling in Kunst und Kunsttheorie der Rembrandtisten von der Mitte des 17. bis zum Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts« (»Thinking Bodies/Shaping Hands. Handling in Rembrandtists’ art and art theory from the middle of the 17th to the beginning of the 18th century«), which he completed at Freie Universität Berlin in June 2014. Since July 2014 he has been a research assistant on the project »Symbolische Artikulation. Sprache und Bild zwischen Handlung und Schema« (Symbolic Articulation. Language and image between action and pattern).
Research fields
Art and art theory of the Early Modern Period, especially in the Netherlands; theory and history of the history of art.