Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
10.-11. February 2001
Saturday, 10th
The University Museum - Achieving Public Access
Chair: Professor Jochen Brüning, Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik, Berlin, Germany
Projects and visions within the network (brief surveys/papers, discussion
Going public (I): "Musei di Palazzo Poggi"
Professor Walter Tega and Professor Raffaella Simili, Università di Bologna, Italy
Going public (II): "Theatrum naturae et artis"
Professor Jochen Brüning, Berlin
The Vision of a University museum in Halle-Wittenberg
Kanzler Wolfgang Matschke and Professor Jürgen Stolzenberg, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Going public (III): Setting up a Virtual Gallery
Dr. Eszter Fontana, Museum of Musical Instruments, Universität Leipzig, Germany
Visit of Theatrum naturae et artis of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Professor Jochen Brüning and Dr Cornelia Weber, Berlin
Briefing I: EU Project "Academic Heritage and Universities" - workplan, finances, and provisional timetable
Mr Patrice Wegener, Project co-ordination, Martin-Luther-Universität, Germany
Work session I: A Directory of European University Collections
Chair: Dr Simon Chaplin, The Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England & Dr Steven de Clercq, Senior consultant Academic Heritage, Holland
Presentation of the sub-project (paper), discussion
Co-ordination & related issues
Public lecture: "The Return of the Object"
Professor Jochen Brüning, Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik, Berlin, Germany
Sunday, 11th
Work session II: Travelling Exhibition "Objects of Knowledge"
Mr Achim Lipp, Senior Museum Consultant, Germany & Mr Patrice Wegener, Project co-ordination, Martin-Luther-Universität, Germany
Presentation of the sub-project, discussion
Co-ordination issues
Work session III: Virtual Gallery - the network's "electronic business card"
Presentation of the sub-project, discussion
Co-ordination issues
Network issues
Chair: Dr Steven de Clercq, Senior consultant Academic Heritage, Holland & Mr Patrice Wegener, Project co-ordination, Martin-Luther-Universität, Germany
Internal structure & relationship with other projects, bodies (ICOM ...)
"Long term" Perspectives
Briefing II: EU Project - the next steps ahead
Mr Patrice Wegener, Halle
Concluding remarks
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